Women's Leagues
Cog Hill Women (Tuesdays)
*Competitive league (hdcp <30)
New members/inquiries - Katie Engel This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Highlanders (Tuesdays)
New members/inquiries - Mary Ann Wood (708.542.9608) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Men's Leagues
Chicago Common Carrier League (Wednesdays @ Twilight)
Inquiries - Doug Gust (708.717.7509) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Spark Twilight League - Monday
Returning to Cog Hill!!*Open to Men & Women
April 22-August 19
Course No. 1 & No. 3
Tee times starting at 5:00pm
Inquiries - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 855.765.0706 -
Spark Twilight League - Thursday
Returning to Cog Hill!!*Open to Men & Women
April 18-September 5
Course No. 1 & No. 3
Tee times starting at 5:00pm
Inquiries - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 855.765.0706 -
Golf Genius Twilight League - Tuesday
Twilight Golf Association A Division of Golf Genius Cog Hill Course No. 1 & 3 Rotation Tee times: 5:00pm-6:00pm Spring '24 Season starts April 30 Summer '24 Season starts July 2th $49 league entry fee per player Weekly Fee - $25/walking, $42/riding League Overview: 9-hole rounds with teammates each week Format for men and women of all skill levels Play your own ball, earn points for your team (teams of 4 to be formed) All leagues are recreational and play to USGA rules of golf A one year subscription to Golf Digest included for league members Register as 1-4 players using the link below For more details or to register, view the links below: SPRING SEASON (4/30-6/18): https://golfhub.golfgenius.com/events/8739cf72-3fe9-4c38-8064-464ed877aaeb SUMMER SEASON (7/2-8/20): https://golfhub.golfgenius.com/events/1fb9bd36-0b6c-4bcf-885b-706cef1f9865